Parenting Patterns for Cadets in the New Normal Period of the Covid-19 Pandemic


  • Rina Haryani Human Resources Development Agency for Transportation, Barombong Maritime Polytechnic, Indonesia
  • Ilham Ashari Human Resources Development Agency for Transportation, Barombong Maritime Polytechnic, Indonesia
  • Avera Linarti Human Resources Development Agency for Transportation, Barombong Maritime Polytechnic, Indonesia



Parenting, Cadets, New Normal, Covid 19


This article discusses Parenting Patterns for Cadets and all things tied to parenting in the New Normal Period of the Covid-19 Pandemic. The new normal parenting pattern for Barombong Maritime Polytrvhnic cadets is the cadets' perception of parenting patterns based on three kinds of parenting patterns, namely authoritarian parenting, democratic parenting and permissive parenting, which have been adapted to Permanent Daily Activity (KHST) and Cadet Rules and Regulations (PERTIBTAR) the New Normal rules given to Barombong Maritime Polytechnic cadets. The cadet parenting pattern is the cadet's perception of the parenting pattern given to the cadets in the Barombong dormitory Polytechnic, based on the measurement of three kinds of parenting patterns, namely authoritarian parenting, democratic parenting and permissive parenting. cadets to be able to enter campus must be adjusted to the requirements of the Covid-19 Task Force and the Barombong Maritime Polytechnic. The cadets who meet the requirements according to the provisions can enter the dormitory and take part in permanent daily activities (KHST). The daily activities of the cadets during this pandemic are arranged according to the health protocol so that a new Permanent Daily Activity (KHST) schedule is made that has been adapted to the conditions of the Pandemic, as well as Cadet Rules and Regulations (PERTIBTAR) with the current pandemic conditions, there have been additional rules for Cadet Rules And Regulations (PERTIBTAR) that existed previously.


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How to Cite

Haryani, R. ., Ashari, I. ., & Linarti, A. . (2021). Parenting Patterns for Cadets in the New Normal Period of the Covid-19 Pandemic. International Journal Papier Public Review, 2(3), 1-7.