Beach Tourism Destinations Promotion Strategy Tthrough Social Media Influencers in Bulukumba Regency


  • Asmawaty Asmawaty Makassar Tourism Polytechnic, Indonesia



Influencers, Travel Destinations, Beaches, Social Media


The purpose of this study is to determine the strategy of influencers in attracting tourist visits to Bulukumba Regency. The method used in this research is a qualitative approach. The subjects in this study were the people around the tourist attraction, tourists and the Bulukumba Regency Tourism Office. The research instrument is Observation, Interview and Documentation. The results of this study show. Influencer Marketing is one of the marketing strategies by using efficient social media to promote a product or service offered by the industry. Not only that, using Influencer Marketing can significantly cut costs used for promotions


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How to Cite

Asmawaty, A. (2021). Beach Tourism Destinations Promotion Strategy Tthrough Social Media Influencers in Bulukumba Regency. International Journal Papier Public Review, 2(4), 56-69.