Navigating the Digital Tide: The Identity Resilience of the Ammatoa Indigenous Community amidst Communication Technology Shifts
Cultural Identity, Communication Technology, Social Adaptation, Modernization and TraditionAbstract
This study explores the dynamics of self-identity among the indigenous Ammatoa community in South Sulawesi, Indonesia, in the context of changing communication technologies. The Ammatoa people, residing both within and outside their ancestral territories, face challenges and opportunities brought about by modernization and globalization. They maintain a kamase-masea lifestyle, which signifies living simply and modestly, as an expression of sacred values and oral cultural heritage. While open to modern education and technology, they strive to preserve their traditions and local wisdom. This research employs a descriptive qualitative approach with an interpretivist paradigm, analyzing the interaction between tradition and modernity, the impact of communication technologies on social and cultural practices, and the strategies of identity adaptation and negotiation in both virtual and physical spaces. The findings reveal that the Ammatoa community endeavors to integrate aspects of modernity and tradition to maintain their cultural identity, navigate external pressures, and leverage social media to uphold and promote local wisdom while advocating for their rights.
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