Frontline Employee Organizational Behavior based on street level bureaucracy reviews


  • Marianus Dabingaya The University of Papua New Guinea, PNG



Organization, Behavior, Employees


This article discusses organizational behavior is the result of interactions between individuals in an organization. The reality of public administration in a 'street level' bureaucracy is that it cannot operate hierarchically because the agency has to rely on street-level bureaucrats to provide services. The orientation of street level bureaucracy towards regulations and procedures is very high and makes it a barometer of service which results in low ability of street level bureaucracy to respond to changes, lack of initiative and development of creativity in controlling change so that routine is considered something normal. Understanding human behavior is a difficult thing because every human being as an individual has different behavior. Street-level bureaucrats have so much discretion that the problem is found in a lack of accountability either to the wider community, to management, or to clients.


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How to Cite

Dabingaya, M. . (2020). Frontline Employee Organizational Behavior based on street level bureaucracy reviews. Interdisciplinary Journal Papier Human Review, 1(1), 24-30.